MXV's Jukebox

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lady (Hear Me Tonight)

After the incident that happened the morning before, I thought the excitement had helped me free myself from the tough grasp of sadness. The feel-good euphoria doesn't last long though; I realised that I was wrong.

Went Pavilion with John On & Kevin today for movies. Yeah, we watched Love Guru & Money No Enough 2 there. Yeap, both of which I've already watched earlier. I didn't mind watching the movies for the second time, coz they're really that good. Well... Money No Enough 2, at 2:50 P.M., GSC Pavilion, Hall 3. I've got a strange feeling, the hesitancy, when we were walking into the hall. You know, the kind of feeling as if you're not welcomed or don't deserve to be there. I was right. She was sitting a row right in front of me. Of all the days in a week, why today? Of all the shopping complexes in K.L., why Pavilion? Of all the movies available, why Money No Enough 2? Of all the showtimes available, why the 2:50 P.M. show? The odds are great that I will not run into her, and I was petrified, locked & sank into my seat when I saw her there. Oh, she's with there with her cousins. Alright. Let's pretend as if nothing has happened. Why am I STILL looking at her? Why do I have to pay RM 12 just to return myself into the loophole of misery I was once in? I was itching to send her a SMS just to find out if she's doing fine, but I didn't.

I'm grateful, knowing that I've got sharp hawk-like eyes that could scan the whole area of view within a second and be aware of the details in it, but this time it is the bliss that backfired me. I'm already in a checkmate, to what limits is the God pushing me? He gave me a little less than 24 hours to enjoy myself before giving me another 24 weeks to live miserably. Thank you, you're being SO fair to me.

Lady (Hear Me Tonight) [Acoustic Version] - Modjo.

I'm so desperate to let out my feelings that this makes the second post for today.


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