MXV's Jukebox

Monday, September 22, 2008

In Our Lifetime

Had a Mohawk MS 100.2 2-channel 200 watts amplifier installed in my car today. What can I say, sound quality is much better now. Clearer, with better bass. Ah, bass.. Talking about bass, the guy at the accessory shop recommended a subwoofer to be installed in the boot, taking up minimal space. The only drawback is, they'll have to drill holes on the panel to hold the subwoofer in place. Whatever upgrades it is that I'll do to my car, I'll never have anyone to drill anywhere on or in the car, or touch the engine compartment. Crucial, as holes drilled may cause water leakage. Uh-uh, bad idea, no thanks.

Revisions are getting boring for me, and I'm falling asleep almost as soon as I flipped open pages of the past-year question books. What an effective remedy for insomnia. LoL.

Nothing much to blog about today, will go for classes tomorrow. Hope so. Heh.. Here's In Our Lifetime, by Texas.


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