I spent almost the entire day outside, surviving with only RM 5 in my wallet today. LoL. Anyway, added another subwoofer to my car yesterday. Hahahahah. No, this time, a proper subwoofer. But I'm not really on a same mission as those
lala zhais at Sungei Wang that blasts their music and bass on their subwoofers to tear down buildings, so loud that you can actually still feel the bass a kilometre away from their cars. Nope, I prefer to have high-quality tunes churning out of my speakers, so a sufficient amount of bass and treble is preferable, but not too much.
Tucked away at the right side of the boot.
Close up.
Saves space and produces enough bass to NOT be irritating.
Ya' know, some of the audiophiles like me that work on the audio system in their cars.. I don't know what are their demands. I'm wondering, if they're trying to convert the whole car into a gigantic mobile subwoofer or something, then why don't just do it, literally? Install subwoofers in place of your headlights!! On the roof!! LoL.
Alright, going out
yumcha now.. Here's the song I used to test my new subwoofer.. Haha.
Next To You - DaRude.
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