MXV's Jukebox

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Starry Eyed Surprise

Hi everybody. The hour hand of the clock is now pointing at precisely 4, yes, 4 in the morning. So good morning, it's a wake up call from the zombie-blogger. Me? Sleep? I need no sleep. Live young, die hard. Nah, just kidding. Another emotional night for me to get through, it's kinda hard without support from people that can actually understand my situation, and that's if I can even tell anyone about my situation in the first place.

So, what I did? Well... Of course, I was given the 'honor' to keep the spare keys to my dad's Innova. Oh, and by the way. My dad's Innova is like 5 months old, and it has already done 37,743 KMs, some 6000 KMs more than my car which is more than double it's age. Talking about hardcore, heavy-duty driver, my dad will be the best example. LoL.

Yeah, where did we stopped? Oh, and I was talking about the spare keys to his car.. Yeap. I was emotional, so I took the keys and sneaked out in his Innova. The engine was insanely LOUD when I first turned the key into IGNITION position, and I don't know how was it possible that all the noise didn't wake my parents up at all.

Okay, so what was the verdict? 5 months into my dad's 'new' car, and I've finally got the chance to push the car to it's limits. Oh, wait. First of all, I gotta explain the mad things that I did. So.. 150 KM/H on MRR2 (you can't actually go that fast on that Innova, because there're simply not enough power to push that 2 tons of metal), tail-gating those puny little cars on the road. Ahh, yes, it's amazing how the sheer size of the Innova can do its' magic by scaring Kancils off the road. LoL. Then, there's something that I love to do with my Myvi; tire-roll. Yeah, the smell of burning rubber.. The squeals the tires made.. And of course, the after-effect; the damage to the tires. I did it once in front of Old Town Coffee House at Prima Setapak yesterday morning, and damn that was the longest, sweetest pitch of tire squeals I've ever made & heard.

So I sped in that Innova, went sideways from corner to corner & did burnouts. Satisfaction. Truly. It's amazing what I can do with a MPV, an 8-seater with a 2-litre engine. Imagine what would happen if I've got a more powerful car with better handling than my Myvi? Illegal racing? LoL.

And I almost forgot. It was my car's birthday yesterday!! Renewed the roadtax, valid till 28th April 2010. Yeap, my 1-year-old car clocked 31k KMs. Err.. A bit too much? Maybe.

P.S: A SMS at 4:44 A.M. on April 29, 2009 killed me. No, I'm just not living my life the same way anymore. Or perhaps, you guys may just assume that I'm dead. Heh, speaking about the 'lucky' number 4 for the Chinese..

Starry Eyed Surprise, remixed & well-done by Paul Oakenfold. Had totally no idea who did the vocals, but it was fine. Just recalled that I hadn't posted any techno/trance tracks for quite some time, so here it is. Enjoy, while I get back to my misery.


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