MXV's Jukebox

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I don't know if the recent Moscow Metro bombing changed the way I think, but...

I miss home. I miss Malaysia. I miss driving around with no particular directions. I miss going to the pasar malam every Thursday at Sri Rampai. Most importantly, I miss the peace & care-free life that I once had. I was able to do anything I like, anytime I want back at home. Hmm...

There is a distinctive smell, Malaysian smell, I presume.. Missed that too. Sigh..

I'm homesick..

One Republic - Lullaby.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Get Lifted

7:56 A.M. - Lubyanka Metro station was bombed.

8.37 A.M. - Park Kultury station was bombed.

Both, in a single day. Yes, this morning. I couldn't imagine what would life be like for me. They said that attacks on the minorities & foreigners may start soon.

The Moscow Metro system is undoubtedly the most popular & frequently used form of public transportation in Moscow due to it's accessibility and low cost. The bombings were carried out during rush hour. Both bombs were detonated as the train arrived & the doors were opening.

At least my sense of safety & security did not failed me & proved itself right. I'm not being paranoid, I'm just extra careful. Every single time I board a Metro, I'd take the hassle to walk to the very end to board the last car of the train, for safety reasons. Bombings often happen in the middle or front of the train, but never the back as it would be pointless. True enough, both the bombing incidents today took place in the second cars on both occasion.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010 is declared as the Day of Mourning for the victims of the bombings.

May peace be with those who didn't made it.

Kamui - Get Lifted.



I've not checked my own blog close to a month, & I was in for a little surprise. 200 thousand views?I'm not sure what made it skyrocket that way.

Having my emo moment right now.

Paul Van Dyk - Autumn (Radio Edit).


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tik Tok

Okay, so I have 3 days of holidays (Saturday, Sunday & Monday), with Monday being The International Women's Day. Whatever. I've got exams coming up, with anatomy being the most stressful & depressing.

Parts of skull to read & memorize:

Os frontale
Tuber frontale
Sutura internasalis
Margo orbitalis
Sutura coronalis
Os parietale
Facies orbitalis ossis frontalis
Sutura sphenozygomatica
Sutura frontozygomatica
Facies orbitalis alae major ossis sphenoidalis
Sutura sphenofrontalis
Apertura piriformis
Os zygomaticum
Sutua zygomaticomaxillaris
Concha nasalis inferior
Spina nasalis anterior
Protuberantia mentalis
Sutura intermaxillaris
Lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis
Facies orbitalis maxillae
Fissura orbitalis inferior
Fissura orbitalis superior
Processus zygomaticus ossis frontalis
Palatum osseum
Foramen incisivum
Sutura palatina mediana (Sutura interpalatina)
Processus palatinus
Lamina horizontalis ossis palatini
Lamina medialis processus pterygoidei
Lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei
Fossa infratemporalis
Foramen ovale
Foramen lacerum
Foramen spinosum
Foramen rotundum
Synchrondosis sphenooccipitalis
Tuberculum pharyngeum
Processus mastoideus
Fissura petrooccipitalis
Crista occipitalis externa
Crista occipitalis interna
Linea nuchalis inferior
Linea nuchalis superior
Incisura mastoidea
Processus styloideus
Canalis caroticus
Arcus zygomaticus
Foramen stylomastoideum

I'm not done yet, and the list goes on.. There are probably more than a hundred names that are NOT in the list..

And the clock ticks...

Tik Tok (Instrumental) - Ke$ha.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Heads Will Roll

Kentucky Fried Cheryl.

OK, done.

Now, tell me how stupid is the education system here in Russia, or at least in my university. For those who thought Malaysian education system sucks, think again. This is a real story, real experience by myself.

Went to the dekanat today, or Dean's office, to get permission to sit for some papers that I missed when I went back to Malaysia last month. Sounds OK to you guys? Let me tell you all exactly what happened, & the stupidity of the system here.

1. In order for sit for missed papers from last semester, I will need the Dean's approval. Sounds fair. But wait, there's more..

2. The Dean's office is open only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, from 3 PM to 5 PM.

3. Waited in line for 2 hours for the Dean to settle 5 students with the same issue before it's my turn.

4. OK, so I've gotten the permission to sit for 5 papers. After I've passed these papers, I will have to return to the Dean's office (which indirectly means the repetition of No. 2 & 3) to receive a signature from him, certifying that I've passed all 5 papers just so that I can sit for the 6th and final paper, which is a ridiculous paper of 5 multiple choice questions. The questions are absurd. Seriously.

5. After I've passed the 6th paper, I will need to return to the Dean's office, AGAIN, to receive a signature & stamp from the Dean as a verification that I've completed my papers.

Crappy, isn't it? A friend that had a pending paper went to the dekanat with me today & queued for two hours just to be told to come back on Friday. Not to mention too, that the Vice Dean's attitude is crappy & sarcastic as hell, & that he's always late to the office. And oh, they have this 'Russians first' practice too. It doesn't matter if the line is 2 miles long; as long as you're Russian, you don't have to queue.

Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
